The Future of Transit
Final Documents
Final Report
Transit Together Final Report Appendices
Transit Together Final Report Appendices (reduced file size)
Transit Together Unfunded Service Recommendations
Transit Together Recommended Service Plan Maps
Study Documents​
State of Regional Transit
Part 3: Regional Service Delivery and Coordination
Executive Summary (reduced file size)
Project Meetings
Project Advisory Group Meeting #1 - October 6, 2021
Project Advisory Group Meeting #2 - December 8, 2021
Transit Together Public Meeting - February 17, 2022
Project Advisory Group Meeting #3 - April 6, 2022
Other Related Studies
Transit Together is based on related efforts and supporting resources. These include projects and studies conducted by GPCOG and other regional partners. Some of the most influential and important documents include:
The long-range transportation plan for the greater Portland region. It establishes a vision for a regional transportation system that prioritizes safety and access, protects the quality of our environment, and supports economic development. An update to the plan is underway at connect2045.org.
The long-range transit plan for the greater Portland region. It envisions a transit system that is seamless, convenient, and easy to use, and that facilitates regional connectivity and access.